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Monday 30 March 2015

Pillars of Eternity - Character Creation Information Guide

Pillars of Eternity

Pillars of Eternity is a fantasy role-playing game by Obsidian Entertainment which was released on the 26th of March 2015.  The game involves a turn-based real-time-with pause gameplay which enables players to create strategies during and out of battles.  I enjoyed the game's play style from the beginning and the steps that were taken by the creators to ensure that I can create and develop my character and play the game how "I" want to play it.

Below I have written up from the game, various pieces of information which may help you to gain a better insight, and plan how you want to develop your future characters.

Character Creation

The character creation in Pillars of light is very in-depth and detailed.  There is a wide selection of categories and options which change your characters physical appearance, their stats, their combat abilities, and they way that they perform in and out of battles.



The Place of men in society varies from culture to culture.  Cultures like Aedyr and the Drywood place them at the forefront of military, politics, and heavy labour.  Among the tribes of Naasitaq, men perform many of the homesteading and organisational duties.  In Eir Glanfath and Ixamitl, men and women have more fluid social roles. in all societies, there are exceptions to the rule, and men can be found in a wide variety of stations and professions.


A woman's role in Eora is largely dependent on where she is from.  In the Aedyr Empire, Vailian Republics, and the Drywood, Women occupy many domestic, educational, and organisational roles.  They are primary hunters, soldiers, and leaders of the tribes of Naasitaq.  In Eir Glanfath and Ixamitl, women and men have more fluid social roles,  In all societies, there are exceptions to the rule, and women can be found in a wide variety of stations and professions.

Race and Sub-races

There are 6 playable races in the game and each have various different appearances and attributes.  Each Race also has Sub-races which have different attributes and may have different attributes too.


Humans (commonly called "folk") are the most common race in the Drywood, the Aedyr Empire, Old Vailia, and the Vailian Republics.  Though not as large as the towering Aumaua, humans are known for their strength and willpower.

Resolve: +1
Might: +1

Meadow Folk  

The most common human in the Drywood, the meadow folk (or Thyratan) have lived in the area for almost 2000 years.  Meadow folk traditionally live in the edges of elven forests working the open plains - hence their name.  Most humans in the Drywood are Thyrtan.

Fighting Spirit - Once per encounter, 5 seconds after reduced below 50% endurance, folk temporarily gain bonuses to accuracy and damage.

Ocean Folk

Ocean folk (Calbandra) originated near the equator on the other side of the globe and are commonly the most widespread group in the region, but they have also migrated to the far reaches of the world.  Ocean folk are the dominant culture in the Vailian Republics, and are also common in the Drywood.

Fighting Spirit - Once per encounter, 5 seconds after reduced below 50% endurance, folk temporarily gain bonuses to accuracy and damage.

Savannah Folk

Savannah Folk (Natlan) come from just south of the Equator and, with the exception of some groups that migrated north, have remained in the same location for over ten thousand years.  The name Natlan literally means "original".  While quite common in Readceras, savannah folk are not usually seen in the Drywood and the Vailian Republics.

Fighting Spirit - Once per encounter, 5 seconds after reduced below 50% endurance, folk temporarily gain bonuses to accuracy and damage.


The mighty aumaua are the largest of the kith races and are commonly found in or near oceans.  Though not truly aquatic, they have an affinity for water and many of their civilisations, such as rautai, are based on naval dominance.  They are known for their unparallelled strength.

Might: +2

Coastal Aumaua

Viewed as a warlike race, the coastal aumaua live in a mainland region along the coats of the northern hemisphere - land they conquered by pushing Thyrtan (meadow folk), Natalan (savannah folk), and orlan communities out.  Their culture is more centralised and urban than their island cousins, though both groups are involved in seafaring.  Coastal aumaua are very rare in the Drywood, but those that do make the journey usually do so as mercenaries, bodyguards, or soldiers.

Towering Physique - Coastal aumaua gain bonuses to defending against Prone and Stun effects.

Island Aumaua

Island aumaua originayted in the Deadfire Archipelago a thousand miles south of the Vailian Republics.  While physiologically similar to their coastal cousins, the colourisation of Island Aumau is starkly different - brown and yellow, contrasting the coastal's blue and green.  Though still uncommon in the Drywood and surrounding environments, island aumaua are more commonly encountered around the Drywood, they are often labourers. fishermen, or sailors.

Armed to the Teeth - All island aumaua gain an additional weapon set.


By virtue of land covered and number of colonies settled, dwarves are the most well-travelled race in the world.  They are commonly found in the Drywood, the Vailian Republics, and almost any colonised land.  Dwarves are known for their great strength and tenacity.

Might: +2
Dexterity: -1
Constitution: +1

Mountain Dwarf

Mountain dwarves (Aptapo) originated on the continent to the east of the Drywood and have spread through the area several times,  Unlike the similarly diminutive orlans, who are frequent subjugated, the Aptapo have always directly fought back threats posed by larger kith and opted to fortify their residences rather than move on.  Mountain dwarves are common in the Vailian Republics but not seen as often in the Drywood and Readceras.

Hale and Hardy - Mountain dwarves have a bonus to defend against Poison and Disease attacks.

Boreal Dwarf

Most boreal dwarves (Enutanik) live in the remote southern island of Naasitaq, where they share the rocky tundra and snow-covered forests with migratory pale elves and the coast-hugging ships of aumaua.  Like their northern cousins, Enutanik share an instinctive love of exploration.  Boreal dwarves are somewhat common in the Vailian Republics but seldom encountered in the Drywood.

Hunters Instincts - Boreal dwarves gain +15 accuracy against any creature of the wilder or primordial types.


Elves are the dominant race in Eir Glanfath and the White that Wends and are extremely common in the Drywood and Aedyr.  Elves are known for their speed and intelligence as well as a commonly isolationist nature.

Dexterity: +1
Perception: +1

Wood Elf

Wood elves (Scetrfolc) trace their beginnings far north of present-day Aedyr and have migrated south throughout the forest of the continent, now covering it all the way south across the equator.  They are also believed to have migrated across the sea to Eir Glanfath.  While physiologically identical to one another, wood elves from Aedyr are culturally different from those in Eir Glanfath and consider themselves wholly different groups.

Distant Advantage - Against any enemy that is more than 4m away, wood elves gain bonus to Accuracy, Deflection, and Reflex

Pale Elf

It is unclear exactly how long ago the pale elves (Glamfallen) came to the southern polar regions of the world, but they have lived there for the last 12,000 years based on their continual contact with the aumaua traders.  They appear to be among the most stationery ethnic group in the known world, migrating within the polar region but seldom venturing far north.  They are rare in all the northern lands and most people consider them exotic (if they have seen one at all).

Elemental Endurance - All pale elves have increased burn and freeze damage reduction.


Orlans are the smallest of the Kith races, though many cultures don't consider them to be civilised at all.  Also notable for their large ears, two-toned skin, and hirsute bodies, orlans are commonly fund in Eir Glanfath, the Ixamitl Plains, and parts of the Drywood.  They are known for their mental intensity and quickness.

Hearth Orlan

Hearth Orlans are often found as slaves in Readceras and the Vailian Republics.  One of the treaty terms between the Drywood and the people of Eir Glanfath was the liberation of orlan slaves and while this has been honoured, many hearth orlans continue to lie in the Drywood as indentured servants.

Minor Threat - When attacking any target that is also being targeted by a teammate, hearth orland convert some of their hits into critical hits.

Wild Orlan

Wild orlans are the "original" orlans who lived in the deepest forests and jungles between the tropics. While they have only been significantly separated from hearth orlans for thousands of years, a few genetic differences have appeared rapidly, most notably a lack of facial hair in the hearth orlan branch.  Wild orlans are common in the deep reaches of Eir Glanfath.  Unlike their hearth oran brethren, they are not often seen in the Drywood, Readceras, or the Vailian Republics.

Defiant Resolve - After being subjected to a Will attack, wild orlans temporarily gain a bonus to all defences.


The godlike are children of the kith ("Civilized" races) who have been blessed with physical aspects associated with the gods (though some do not consider it a blessing).  These aspects my take many forms and often come with mystical powers.  Aberrant shaped heads are typical, and godlike are unable to wear protective headgear as it is near impossible to find anything that fits.  Because of their unusual nature and their inability to reproduce, godlike are often viewed with fear and wonder.

Death Godlike

Death Godlike are the most distrusted of their kind.  strange growths cover their eyes - or, in some cases entire faces - giving them a sinister appearance.  The growths are transparent for the godlike but opaque from the outside, hiding their features.  Death godlike are commonly killed at birth because many cultures consider them to be harbingers of doom.

Death's Usher - When death godlike attack an enemy with 25% or less endurance, their damage is increased.

Fire Godlike

The bodies of fire godlike often resemble hot metal, burnt wood, or stone, with harmless flames that erupt from the cracks in their skin.  Fire godlike are objects of both reverence and fear in the Deadfire Archipalego.  Many locals believe they have the power to cause volcanoes to awaken.  In the Drywood, fire godlike are often seen as a sign of the blessing of Magran, goddess of war and fire.

Battle-Forged - when reduced below 50% Endurance, fore godlike glow like metal in a forge, gaining damage reduction and doing a small amount of fire damage to any nearby enemies.

Moon Godlike

Moon godlike are the most tolerated of the godlike.  While their skin tone and a large moon-like growth on their foreheads may be strange to some, their appearances are generally considered more palatable by the other kith.  Sailors have many beliefs about moon godlike and their propensity to bring luck, though there is little agreement as to what kind of luck they tend to bring.

Silver Tide - Every Encounter, when reduced below 75%, 50%, and 25% Endurance, moon godlike generate waves of healing moonlight that restore Endurance to them and their allies.

Nature Godlike

Nature godlike appear to be a fusion of human and animal features, often covered by plants, moss, or fungi.  This has lead to the common stigma that they are diseased, and many are killed at birth because of it.  Many drudic orders have a keen interest in nature godlike because of their general curiosity as to how souls occupy animals, plants, and stones.

Wellspring of Life - Grants a bonus to Might, Constitution, and Dexterity when Endurance is below 50%.


There are 11 classes in the game for players to chose from, and the classes all have different fighting styles, abilities, and cosmetic appearance.


Brutes. Madmen. Berserkers. Though city-dwelling people often use the term "barbarian" with a dose of disrespect, these rural warriors are respected by their communities for their ferocity and fearsome presence on the battlefield.  Barbarians have a special, almost religious role in some cultures, but in many places, the undisciplined, fearless style of the barbarian is simply how warriors conduct themselves.

Starting Ability:

Carnage - When barbarians hit with melee attacks, they automatically make reduced damage attacks at all other enemies within a short distance of the target.

Athletics: +2
Survival: +1

Endurance: 48 + 16/Level (Very High)
Health: 6 * Endurance (Very High)
Accuracy: 25 + 3 (Average)
Deflection: 15 (Low)


In every culture across Eora, there are chanters.  Many historians consider chanters to be the most ancient workers of magic, their hallowed phrases stirring the collective memory of wayward souls around them, compelling them to generate effects in a kind of "re-enchantment". In some societies, chanters form organised groups of storytellers and researchers, but in most parts of the world they are just a time -honoured part of local folk traditions.

Starting Ability:

Phrases/Chants - All chanters can continually speak chants made up of magical phrases.  Phrases produce passive effects and help build a chanter's power until they can use an invocation.

Invocations - Powerful magical effects that chanters can create after they have spoken a required number of phrases through their chants.

Lore: +2
Mechanics: +1

Endurance: 36 + 12/Level (Low)
Health: 4 * Endurance (Low)
Accuracy: 25 + 3/Level (Average)
Deflection: 25 (Very High)


A recent discovery in the eastern reach, ciphers were once  called "brîshalgwin" ("mind hunters") by the Glanthafans.  Ciphers have the ability to directly contact and manipulate another person's souls and Psyche, using an ally's or enemy's essence as the focus for their magic.  Although most ciphers are still found in the Eastern Reach, practitioners of the technique have spread throughout the known world.  They are gaining acceptance over time, but are generally distrusted, especially by the uneducated.

Starting Ability:

Powers - Ciphers can directly target allies and enemies with powerful soul-focused effects.  These powers cost focus, which ciphers build with the use of their Soul Whip.

Stealth: +1
Lore: +1
Mechanics: +1

Endurance: 30 + 10/Level (Very Low)
Health: 4 * Endurance (Low)
Accuracy: 25 + 3/Level (Average)
Deflection: 20 (High)


Animists at heart, Druids tap into the spiritual power that flows through the simple living things of Eora: Plants, animals, and sometimes even living stone.  While not necessarily religious, druids do have a reverence for the natural world a a keen interest in the understanding in mysteries.  In most cultures, druids are understood as a sort of primal magician, but among the Glanfathans, Naasitaqi, and many rural cultures, they may have high positions of influence and authority.

Starting Abilities:

Spirit Shift - All druids have mastered one animalistic form.  These forms give the druid strong melee abilities and grant an additional power while the druid is shifted.

Spells - Druids have access to a variety of offensive and some support-orientated spells.  Every two levels, druids automatically gain access to an additional set of spells.  Initially their spells can be cast a limited number of times per rest.  As druids gain power, their weaker spells eventually shift to per encounter use.

Lore: +1
Survival: +2

Endurance: 36 +12/Level (Low)
Health: 4 * Endurance (Low)
Accuracy: 20 + 3/Level (Very Low)
Deflection: 20 (High)


Fighters form a front line of disciplined armies across the Eastern Reach.  Though they are most commonly found in cultures with an organised martial structure, fighters can also be encountered as wandering mercenaries, bodyguards, and other types of sell-swords.  The common element which unifies fighters is their heavy focus on endurance and melee defence.

Starting Ability:

Constant recovery - Fighters continually regenerate Endurance at a moderate rate during combat.

Athletics: +1
Lore: +1
Survival: +1

Endurance: 42 + 14/Level (High)
Health: 5 * Endurance (High)
Accuracy: 30 + 3/Level (Very High)
Deflection: 25 (Very High)


Monks belong to a variety of fighting orders which have sprung up in Ixamitl and the Eastern Reach over the past few centuries.  While many monastic orders  can trace their teachings to the Enduring Founder, Tletac, individual organisations vary greatly in their focus, morality, and ethics.  Common folk respect the incredible discipline of monks but see them as an odd, unpredictable bunxh who may not be entirely sane.  Even mercenaries and other adventurers aren't sure of what to make of them.

Starting Ability:

Transcendent Suffering - When monks have no weapon equipped, their unarmed attacks are exceptionally powerful and continue to increase in damage as they gain levels.

Wounds - As monks are damaged, their pain generated wounds. Wounds can be used to power many of the monks special abilities,

Stealth: +1
Athletics: +1
Survival: +1

Endurance: 42 + 14/Level (High)
Health: 6 * Endurance (Very High)
Accuracy: 30 + 3 (Very High)
Deflection: 25 (Very High)


Paladins are martial Zealots, devoted to a god, a ruler, or even a way of life.  They can be found in any culture when a fanatical group of like-minded individuals have formed a warrior society dedicated to advancing their cause.  Among those aligned to their worldview, paladins are viewed with respect and admiration, if a bit of fear.  Many paladins hold leadership positions in armies and mercenary companies, but in the heat of battle their fanaticism often overrules the chain of command - and common sense.

Starting Ability:

Faith and Conviction - Paladins have an inherent bonus to all of their defences.  Over the course of the game, the value of this bonus may shift based on the reputations the paladin gains relative the the behaviour preferred by his or her order.

Athletics: +2
Lore: +1

Endurance: 42 + 14/Level (High)
Health: 5 * Endurance (High)
Accuracy: 25 + 3 (Average)
Deflection: 25 (Very High)


Priests are devotees of Eora's deities and practitioners of religious magic .  While all Priests dedicate themselves to specific gods, Priest's power is actually derived from their personal beliefs.  In contrast to most paladins, priests tend to focus on philosophy, teaching, and the relationship of religious organisations with common folk.  The reception of priests in any given part of the world depends largely on how their god is revered - or reviled - by the people who live there.

Starting Abilities:

Holy Radiance - Generates a modest amount of endurance for allies around the priest.  Any enemy vessels caught in the area take burn damage and may be frightened.  Over the course of the game, the power of this ability may shift based on the reputations the priest gains relative to the behaviours that by his or her deity.

Spells - Priests have access to a variety of support and some offence-orientated spells.  Every two levels, priests automatically gain access to an additional set of spells.  Initially, their spells can be cast a limited number of times per rest.  As priests gain power, their weaker spells eventually shift to per-encounter use,

Athletics: +1
Lore: +2

Endurance: 36 +12/Level (Low)
Health: 3 * Endurance (Very Low)
Accuracy: 20 + 3/Level (Very Low)
Deflection: 15 (Low)


Ranges are warriors of the woodlands and masters of the hunt.  Always partnered with soul-bonded animal companions, they can be found in wild spaces all over the world.  As their lifestyles often tend towards independence and isolation, it is rare for rangers to become an integral part of a large fighting force, although they are often employed as scouts and guides.

Starting Ability:

Animal Companion - All rangers share a strong bond with an animal companion.  The companion fights at the ranger's command and is extremely valuable for its ability to run interference. Animal companions don't do much damage but they have high damage reduction. The link between the ranger and the companion is powerful.  If one goes down in battle, the other suffers as well.

Stealth: +1
Survival: +2

Endurance: 36 + 12/Level (Low)
Health: 5 * Endurance (High)
Accuracy: 30 + 2/Level (Very High)
Deflection: 20 (High)


Rogues are vicious killers, feared for the brutality of their attacks. They can be found as often in dark back allays as the heart of of battlefield skirmishes.  Though unpredictable and undisciplined, rogues are commonly used as shock troops or as part of a surprise assault, their withering attacks breaking enemy ranks and morale.  Rogues tend to congregate in larger numbers in cities where they can be steadily employed as mercenaries or hired muscles.

Starting Ability:

Sneak Attack - Applies bonus damage to the rogue's range and melee weapon attacks when the target has any of the following afflictions:  Blinded, Flanked, Hobbled, Paralysed, Petrified, Prone, Struck, Stunned, or Weakened.  It also applies to any target the rogue strikes with a weapon within the first 2 seconds of combat.

Stealth: +1
Mechanics: +2

Endurance: 36 + 12/Level (Low)
Health: 4 * Endurance (Low)
Accuracy: 30 +/Level (Very High)
Deflection: 15 (Low)


The masters of academic magic, wizards are students of arcane traditions that stretch back beyond the boundaries of the recorded history.  Wizards are a highly organised group, often forming academies or guilds devoted to research and development in magical studies, and tend to favour environments where enquiry, experimentation, debate, and the dissemination of knowledge are encouraged.  Many accomplished wizards eventually become known for their eccentricity, their egos, and their unquenchable in all things arcane and occult.

Starting Abilities:

Arcane Assault - Mid-ranged attack that hits a small area for raw damage and can leave targets Dazed.

Spells - Wizards have access to a variety of offensive and personal defence spells.  Unlike priests and druids, wizards learn individual spells which they store and cast directly from their grimoires.  Grimoires can only hold 4 spells of each spell level, which motivates wizards to keep multiple grimoires for different needs.  Every two levels, wizards gain access to an additional set of spells.  However, they can automatically learn one spell of any level they can access each time they advance.  Wizards also have the option of learning spells from grimoirs they find or buy.  Initially, their spells can be cast a limited number of times per rest.  As wizards gain power, their weaker spells eventually shift to per-encounter use.

Lore: +2
Mechanics: +1

Endurance: 30 + 10/Level (Very Low)
Health: 3 * Endurance (Very Low)
Accuracy: 20 + 3/Level (Very Low)
Deflection: 10 (Very Low)


There are 6 attributes which allows you to create a character build which suits the play-style which you wish to play.


Might represents a character's physical and spiritual strength, brute force as well as their ability to channel powerful magic.  During interactions, it can be useful for intimidating displays and acts of brute force.  In combat, it contributes to both Damage and Healing as well as Fortitude defence.


Might: 18 + 1 (Human) = 19

+27% Damage and Healing, 18 Fortitude


Constitution is a combination of the character's overall health and stamina. Although it is not used much in interactions it is sometimes checked to withstand pain or endure a physically taxing ordeal.  In combat, it affects maximum health and Endurance and contributes to the fortitude defence.


Constitution: 17

+21% Endurance and Health, +14 Fortitude


Dexterity is an abstraction of a characters hand-eye coordination, balance, and overall grace.  In interactions, it can be used for sleight-of-hand and fast reactions.  In combat, it affects the character's Action Speed with all attack, spells, and abilities and contributes to the Reflex defence.


Dexterity: 10

+0% Action Speed and 0% Reflex


Perception represents a character's sense as well as their instinctive ability to pick up on details.  In interactions, it can be used to catch someone in a lie, to make an observant comment about their appearance, or to notice something happening in the background.  In combat, it contributes to the Deflection and Reflex Defences and grants a bonus to interrupt.

Perception: 10 + 1 (The White that wends) = 11

+3 Interrupt, + 1 Deflection, and +2 Reflex


Intellect represents a character's logic and reasoning capabilities.  In interactions, it can be useful for deduction, sudden realisations, and problem-solving.  In combat, it contributes to the Will defence and influences Duration and Areas of Effect for all Abilities and Talents.


Intellect: 10

+0% Area of Effect, +0% Duration, and +0 Will


Resolve reflects a character's internal drive, determination, fearlessness, and the emotional intensity they can project to others. It can be useful for mental intimidation.  In combat, it helps characters maintain Concentration and Contributes to the Will and Deflection Defences.

Resolve: 10 + 1 (Human) = 11

+3 Concentration, +1 Deflection, and +2 Will

Culture and Background

Cultures and backgrounds further develop your characters by improving certain attributes, based on what you chose, and the appearance of their class can be further changed this way.



The Aedyr Empre is Currently the largest and most powerful force in this part of the world.  It centres around the Equator and has tropical climate.  Though the empire has colonies in numerous areas of the world, Greater Aedyr is at its heart and houses the majority of its humans and elven nations.

Resolve: +1

Deadfire Archipelago

Consisting of the nation on Naasitaq, dozens of aumaua settlements, and hundreds of lawless, pirate-infested islands that stretch along the southern sea.  Deadfire is home to boreal Dwarves, aumaua, and a mixed variety of other races.  Deadfire Archipelago is the "last stop" for anyone headed east - a multitude of monstrous sea creatures infest the ocean beyond, making travel virtually impossible.

Dexterity: +1

Ixamitl Plaions

Located to the northeast of Eir Glanfath, the Ixamitl Plains are a large expansion of fertile savannahs that are extensively farmed by human and Orlan residents.  The Ixamitl culture is one of the oldest in the world, though one of the least imperialistic, having spread out little over the past several thousand years.

Resolve: +1

Old Vailia

Once the crown jewel of the southern seas, Old Vailia is now the crumbling remnants of an empire of warring merchant nations.  Counting many humans and dwarves among their ranks, the Old Vailian countries are still forces to be reckoned with and are proud of their rich cultural heritage.

Intellect: +1


Dominated by the Aumaua nation of Rauatai, the gulf itself is host to a number of nations, most of them aumaua, orlan, and dwarven.  Though these countries are relatively young, they are some of the most advanced colonial settlements in the east.  The gulf is a land of riches and resources for those who can take them, though the entire cost is often pummelled by violent storms.

Constitution: +1

The Living Lands

The Living Lands is the mountainous region of a large northern island renowned for its diversity in plant and animal life. Its weather is unpredictable and its ecosystems vary dramatically from valley to valley.  The Living Lands are home to an assortment of races in a variety of colonial and independent settlements.

Might: +1

The White that wends

A large, cracked expansion of polar ice, the White that Wends is home to pale elves and small colonies of daring explorers, outcasts, and adventurers.  While virtually no plant life grows in the White, it is home to many hardy species of dangerous animals that forage from the sea or pray upon each other to survive.

Perception: +1



You've lived your life among the nobility.  Your days have been marked by lavish meals and extravagant parties, your conversations peppered with talk of pedigree and bloodlines.

Lore: +2


You were part of a group that founded a fledgling colony in a distant land.

Survival: +2


You've made a name for yourself as a troublemaker.  Disrespect for the authority and a lack of care regarding the rules are recurring themes in your life.

Stealth: +1
Lore: +1


You never quite fit in no matter where you go.  Each new town is just a place to rest briefly before moving onto the next.  You are more comfortable on the road, travelling the world.

Stealth: +1
Survival: +1


You live for the thrill of the chase.  Whether for glory or for sustenance, you have made your living taking the lives of wild creatures.

Stealth: +1
Survival: +1


Your life has been spent in the study of the craft.  You trained and prepared, hoping to hone your skills and play your trade.

Athletics: +1
Mechanics: +1


Blade and battle is your way of life.  You solve your problems by pulling out your weapon and applying force.

Athletics: +1
Lore: +1


You've traded goods from all over the world, pairing items with buyers of all kinds.

Lore: +1
Mechanics: +1


Piety and prayer are the cornerstones of your public life, and you encourage the same to others.

Lore: +2


You have never known freedom.  Shackles and chains have bound your existence, and someone has told you what to do your entire life.

Athletics: +1
Survival: +1


You've always driven to express yourself creatively.  The structure and rigid control of other pursuits has never satisfied in the same way.

Lore: +2


You find the siren call of the horizon irresistible.  you cannot help but wonder what lies beyond the next hill or wave, and you've built your life around finding out.

Lore: +1
Survival: +1


You've never been able to explain how the universe guides your path.  Behind every task you undertake is a feeling of cosmic direction.

Lore: +2


You've spent your life on the wrong side of the law.  What you want, you take, and what was theirs has a tendency to become yours.

Stealth: +1
Athletics: +1


The rules that govern the world are a set of alchemical formulae to you, waiting to be discovered and manipulated.

Lore: +1
Mechanics: +1


For you, knowledge is a relentless pursuit.  You horde each kernel of information as though it were precious metal, and time you don't spend learning is time wasted.

Lore: +2


You are most at home inside your own head, analysing the nature of the world and its inhabitants.

Lore: +2


The game allows players to chose to give their character one of the various voices available for them to pick from.

  • Male - Mystic
  • Male - Feisty
  • Male - Noble
  • Male - Stoic
  • Male Sinister
  • Female - Mystic
  • Female - Feisty
  • Female - Noble
  • Female - Stoic
  • Female - Sinister
  • or None

Friday 27 March 2015

Dying Light - How to Fast Travel Between Slums and Old Town

In this video I will be showing you how to fast travel between the Slums area and Old Town.  I had a difficult time finding out how and where to fast travel back to the Slums area from, therefore I want to show you how to do so in case any of you are having this problem too.

Dying Light - Combat Training In Slums

Dying Light - Combat Training In Slums

In this video I will be showing you a training method which I came across when playing Dying Light in the Slums area.

Requirements are:  Molotovs, Firecrackers, good melee weapon, guns, ammo, and medkits.  The more you have the better. You could also use grenades and trap bombs if you have enough materials.

When you manage to get to the electric power plant area which is shown on the map in the video, use some firecrackers to distract zombies so that you manage to climb up onto the generators with minimal damage taken.  Zombies can only really climb onto one of the generators (which is shown in video) but apart from that, you should be fairly safe.  Your only main dangers are; falling off, blowing yourself off with your own bombs, and Volatile zombies spitting at you.  When under attack by volatile zombies, duck down and take cover by using the generators that you are standing on (as shown) then heal and then try to either shoot them or lure them with a fire cracker then use a molotov or grenade on them.

To maximize your XP gain, you should jump from generator to generator and make your way to different areas in the plant in order to find more zombies to group up and destroy so that you get more kills per explosive.  if you run our of explosives, you could use your guns and get easy head-shots, but I would not recommend jumping down and using your melee weapon until your night is over.

When the night is over and the Volatile and majority of running zombies run away, you can either jump down and finish the remainder off with a melee weapon, or shoot a few first then jump down.  You can the proceed to collect all of the drops, but a few random zombies may be left in the area or may spawn in the area, so be careful.  Also watch out for bloaters! The Nimble Hands perk will also maximize your profits when collecting all of the drops.

I hope this helps you out

Thursday 26 March 2015

Dying Light - Agility and Combat Training In Old Town

As I was in old town I noticed a convenient safe spot where I could train Agility and Combat at the same time at a good rate.  For this you would need to go to the location which I have shown on the map, and rest until night time then stand on the cables outside of the entrance.  I would recommend that you have a pistol and an a rifle to kill the zombies, and a grenade to lure them to the area.  Shoot one of the "Running" zombies to get their attention, then they shall begin to climb up one of the posts and jump towards another. You ill require to shoot the zombies at least once each so that when they fall down onto the floor or spikes, you will get agility and combat experience. The zombies are clumsy here so they tend to jump off or push each other off, and that's why you need to get a shot into them so that you get the kill when they fall to their death. You should have an endless wave of "Running" zombies until morning, and if you run out of ammo then you can quickly go inside and buy some from the trader if he has any, then run outside and continue the procedure. You should be safe on the line, but if you manage to fall off, try to use your grapple and get up as quickly as possible. When the sun rises it should be fairly safe to go down and kill the remaining zombies, then you can help yourself to all of the loot.  You can then go and restock on your ammo and a grenade and rest again until night time again and restart the procedure fore more xp.  There may be better ways to train, or this may have already been discovered, but I only got the game recently and this is something that I noticed.  I hope that it helps you!

Thursday 19 March 2015

Resident Evil 5 Playthrough Part 9

Chris and Sheva have just picked up a key, when all hell breaks loose! As they make their way past the docks and into the other part of town, "Super" Kirk comes to the aid of our heroes once again.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Resident Evil 5 Playthrough with Commentary Part 7 - SHOOT THE TRUCK!!!

Happy St Partick's day!!!

That's another video up!!!  In this one I changed my camera angle and lighting, so my camera wont appear too dark, and my mic should be clearer.

In this video we finally get to a different area where there are a few different types of enemies and obstacles standing in our way, ranging from dogs, booby-traps, and even a crazy truck driver!  Chris also sadly takes a truckload to the face, but will he get back up and reclaim his dignity?

Hope you enjoy!

Monday 16 March 2015

Resident Evil 5 Playthrough with Commentary - Part 6 - Kill It With Fire!!!


Resident Evil 5 Playthrough with Commentary

Chris and Sheva explore the boiler room where they find more dead soldiers.  An unexpected "Medusa wannabe" monster shows up and tries add our 2 heroes to it's kill count.

I wasn't too sure about what to do at first to kill this monstrosity but I guess the term "Kill it with fire" fits nicely into this episode.  We also get reminded that these "Zombies" are like the Ganados in Resident Evil 4, so in that case I'm guessing that we can be sure to expect some stranger creatures in our way.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Resident Evil Playthrough Part 5


Resident Evil 5 Playthrough with Commentary Part 5 

I run into a chick who turns out to have a face that not even her mother would dare kiss.  It brings back memories of the Ganados in Resident Evil 4, but this situation seemed more sinister. 

I eventually ran into what appears to be an aftermath of where a fight took place, and a dying soldier talks about a "setup" before he hands me over his "stash" of files to take back to HQ, and then he goes for  well deserved power nap lol.

Friday 13 March 2015

Thursday 5 March 2015

Resident Evil 5 Playthrough with Commentary Part 3 - Kirk to the Rescue!!!

Welcome to my Restident Evil 5 Playthrough with Commentary Part 3, hope you enjoy!

In my previous video, Chris and Sheva got into a fight with a large group of villagers and a giant executioner who captured Reynard and then proceeded to carry out a public execution and end his life, and it looks like they want to make Chris and Sheva their next victims. Although my previous attempt at avenging Reynard failed due to being trigger happy and not conserving my ammunition, I shall make my way back to try and survive another round with him and use my surroundings and ammunition more wisely.  Will Renard be avenged, will Chris join him on the Chopping block, or will someone come to their rescue?

I had a few close calls as i fought my way through the swarms of enemies but I managed to survive.  I managed to conserve my ammunition a bit better than during my previous attempt but finding more would have been nice, and a good bonus was that I managed to find a case with a VZ61 (MG), and it turned out to be pretty useful and effective at clearing larger groups of enemies in front of you, and I was luckily able to pick up some extra ammo for it, and this weapon should come in pretty handy for my future battles in the game.

After what seemed like an eternity of waiting around and cheating death repeatedly, Kirk decided to end his coffee break and actually appear to lend Chris and Sheva a hand with taking out the rest of the villagers and blow the gates down to create an exit for them.  I sadly didn't manage to take out the executioner myself, but I guess there will be bigger, badder, and more difficult enemies waiting for me on my path.

Resident Evil 5 Playthrough with Commentary Part 2 - THE EXECUTIONER!!!

Welcome to my second video of my Resident Evil 5 commentary playthrough series.

Chris and Sheva run into a man who seems to be under attack by two other guys, who have him on the floor restrained and then eventually force something big and strange down his throat...  Chris and Sheva could have probably acted sooner and tried to rescue the man instead of just watching and enjoying the show, but that's just my opinion I guess.  The man who was under attack then freakes out and begins to act strangely, but I regretfully had to put him out of his misery because I'm such a good guy and I want to spread happiness all around haha.

Chris and Sheva make their way outside, but then they get chased through town by what appears to be an angry mob of villagers who are out seeking blood.  There are too many to take on at once, so I make the smart move and run out of there and barricade myself inside a building where I then spend some time hanging out with the little residents.  

Chris and Sheva decide to continue their mission and make their way through the town, but they become a bit too nosy for their own good and see something which they may have regret seeing, and they are then spotted and attacked by a swarm of Majini and a big bad axe wielding Executioner!  Reynard Fisher sadly doesn't feel too well right now and I think that he's seen better days, but at least his "incident" may motivate our team to complete their mission.... or get scared and retire. Will Chris and Sheva be safe inside their house, and how will they both cope against the big Executioner and his massive axe?

Stay tuned for more!

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Resident Evil 5 Part 1 - First YouTube Video Uploaded

That's my first video finally uploaded. It took me a while setting everything up and actually recording it, editing it and making it work, but I guess it could have turned out worse lol. I know that in my first few vids my microphone wasn't 100% but it was a rookie error. I'll try to upload the rest of the game as soon as possible!

I had always wanted to play Resident Evil 5 because I was first hoping to play it as a Co-op with a friend but It still turned out to be great as a Solo playthrough. I haven't had much of a go at the other Resident Evil games except 4 which I played years ago, and when I was very young I watching a few family members play "some" of the original Resident Evil game but "surprisingly" I wasn't that courageous back in the day when it came to horror games haha.  It was good to see how the story continues from Resident Evil 4, and I hope to get a chance to eventually play the rest of them.

Thanks again if you checked the video out.  I'll be continually trying to improve my future videos stay tuned for my future uploads!

In this video I show a quick start to the game where Kirt and Sheva meet up in Africa and they begin their mission.  They then meet up with Reynard Fisher who seems like a shady character, but he gives them their weapons to collect incase they need to kick some ass, and he warns about the villegers who seem a bit edgy.  Reynard point Chris and Sheva in the right direction and mentions their only lead "Irvine", and also talks about Uroboros (a doomsday project rumor).  I guess by yhe sounds of all of this, we should expect a lot of sinister and twisted things to happen.